"A fényképen mindig két ember van. A fényképész és a néző."
Ansel Adams
The sky is falling, it is raining and we think our photography has failed. But if we’re not scared of a little rain, we have a great opportunity to take different photos than in dry, sunny weather. Here are some tips for taking photos in the wrong weather.
But what can we photograph in cloudy, rainy weather?
If the Sun is covered by clouds and there is no direct sunshine, there is no need to despair even then. The sunlight filtered by the clouds illuminates the landscape, our subject, with much softer light. Shadows are less dominant and light-dark details are more balanced. This makes the shades of the landscape stand out better. Although the lights make the colors a little flatter, we can help with a little contrast boost.
The overcast sky, if the clouds aren’t too homogeneous, can be really spectacular with clouds of different shapes and brightness. It throws up our landscapes, which is far more exciting than a cloudless, contiguous blue or almost white sky. If the clouds are only partial, the sunlight hiding through them can be really spectacular. The yellowish, orange lights around sunrise and sunset can also delight us with gorgeous colors.

After a heavier rain, the water collected in the puddles allows for spectacular reflections. After a quick summer shower, the refreshed air is much cleaner and the wet surfaces are much more contrasting. There are really nice lights after a heavy rain, especially when the sun comes up again.
Water droplets collected on various surfaces and plants throw up our topics. We can take really spectacular close-up photos of a small drop of water.
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The countless drops of water and the lights that shine on it can throw our background as well. With a lot of tiny flashes, bokeh gives a really spectacular backdrop. (Bokeh or boke is originally a term for a blurred background in a photo and its quality, but is mostly used for blurred light spots in the background, which are usually circular or polygonal depending on the number and shape of the lens hood lamellae.)
The resulting fog or water vapor can also give the image a strong feel. If the fog enters the landscape in cloudy weather, we can take really gloomy photos. But we can shoot stunning pictures even in a humid but sunny time in the early morning. The really brave can try to take photos in lightning-stricken weather. The clouds lit by lightning, or a lightning strike can be really spectacular. Of course, follow the usual precautions and be safe first.

If we are going to take photos in rainy weather, plan ahead and be prepared to make our photography as comfortable as possible. If we go for a long time or farther away, expect the rain to pick up again. A passing thunderstorm and shower may surprise us again. Take rain-resistant clothing if possible. If we move out in cold weather, dress properly.
Take care not only of ourselves but also of our camera. One of the great enemies of the camera is water. it can cause serious damage to the electronics, but it can also cause dirt, salt and limescale deposits in the lens and frame. Use a rainproof case, or if you don't have one, you can protect your machine with a clear plastic bag. If you are taking pictures in cold weather, do not take the camera to a warm place immediately, as the temperature will cause moisture to condense on the camera and inside it. Put the camera in our photo bag or in a nylon bag to seal it airtight. Then the couple will only condense on the outside of the bag. Wait for our machine to warm up before turning it on.
We have an easier time having a camera that is weatherproof. We can use such machines much more confidently even in wet weather.