"A fényképen mindig két ember van. A fényképész és a néző."
Ansel Adams
Snapseed - Image editing on your phone, tablet
If you want to edit your pictures on your phone or tablet, Google's Snapseed app is a great way to do that. This app is free to download for both android and iOS. Completely free, ad-free interface. No need to avoid unnecessary advertising.
The program also handles jpg and raw formats, so if your phone is able to take photos in raw format, it is worth taking advantage of this feature, as it gives you more options for post-production.

The interface itself is easy to see, all functions are quickly accessible with a click or two. The individual setting options are also very simple and convenient to use. After selecting an option, simply tap the screen and swipe right or left to change the desired value.

JPG and RAW editing


EDIT menu
The application also includes a number of filters if you don't want to bother editing. But manual adjustment offers even more options. Captions, various effects, vignetting, HDR, brush tool and many more features can be used.
Exporting the finished image also allows for more options, in addition to overwriting and saving a copy for immediate sharing.

Tools and features