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Quickly resize a photo, image

Below I’ll show you how to easily and quickly resize a photo with a program I’ve used and loved for years. This program is XnView, a free, great image viewer and converter for personal use with a myriad of options and expandable features.

Open the image you want to resize in XnView.

  • right click - choose XnView

  • if xnview is the default viewer, double-click it

  • run XnView - CTRL+O or File/Open



Click on the image to enlarge!

Choose Image menu – Resize or SHIFT+S to the resize panel open


Click on the image to enlarge!

In the Resize panel, you can choose from preset image sizes or specify a size. When specifying Width or Height, enter the desired size. If the Keep Proportion option is checked below, you will automatically enter the other page after specifying one page size. You can specify the size in pixels or as a percentage.


Click on the image to enlarge!

Then click OK and the resizing will take place. We can already save our picture

*Picture: from

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